Unpacking a parcel from @Autodesk I became a member of the Expert Elite program.

General / 06 February 2023

00:00:03 - So, I finally received the welcome kit from Autodesk that they are sending to all Expert Elite members.

00:00:10 - And right away, I would like to thank Maureen Higgins and Dmitry Mukhin for their time and effort in resolving this question. With delivery - in my region.

00:00:19 - By the way, on the box is the signature from Maureen. This is doubly pleasant.

00:00:23 - Well, let's move on to unpacking.

00:00:26 - When I opened the box, I saw a lot of nice goodies.

00:00:29 - First, there was a certificate of membership in the Expert Elite program, with congratulations from the Autodesk team.On the front of which is written this text.

On behalf of Autodesk, it is our pleasure to acknowledge your contributions to the global Autodesk Community by welcoming you to the Autodesk Expert Elite Program.

The Expert Elite program recognizes advocates around the world who make exceptional contributions to the Autodesk Community by sharing product knowledge, best practices, and expertise, and exemplifying the spirit of giving back.

We are delighted to partner with you as a member of the Autodesk Expert Elite program.

Expert Elite Program.


October 2022.

00:01:10 - On the back is written text like this.

Dear Andrew

Welcome to the Autodesk Expert Elite program.

You are now part of an exclusive group of advocates around the world who have been recognized for their exceptional contributions to the Autodesk Community.

The Expert Elite program empowers members with resources and opportunities to support and inspire the community by sharing their product knowledge, best practices, and expertise, and exemplifying the spirit of giving back.

Enclosed you will find your welcome kit, which includes a member certificate and your Autodesk Expert Elite welcome gifts.

On behalf of Autodesk, we thank you for your dedication and commitment to the community.

We are looking forward to working with you in the Expert Elite program.

Kind regards, Katinka Sante and Maureen Higgins.


00:01:56 - Next, I saw such an interesting package - ThinkBoard X2. I didn't understand what it was at first and unpacked it with great interest.Inside was this glossy paper with borders and the Autodesk logo and also - a towel and marker. It was later that I realized it was a great drawing and scribbling board. For which, there is a separate RocketBook app that allows you to quickly scan and send your art to Google Drive - in PDF or other formats. And the washcloth, exactly - allows you to quickly erase what you wrote or drew.That is - it's such an unlimited paper for creativity.

00:02:34 - If you go to the website of the company - you can read about this technology in detail.


00:02:38 - And - they have boards of different sizes.They are self-adhesive on any surface.

00:02:43 - Next, in the package was such a notebook with another marker and the badges - which we'll talk about later.The notebook also has the Autodesk logo on the front page.

After - comes a transparency film for tracing paper and it has the same - glossy endless paper for sketching and taking notes. And the marker that comes with it has a great rubber that allows you to quickly erase what you've written.After the magic paper are the usual tear-off sheets, which can also be useful for sketches.

00:03:11 - And the last thing in the box was a warm sports sweatshirt with deep pockets into which my arm would go up to my elbow, and the same breast pocket.Why am I emphasizing that?

Because - often there are sweatshirts in which you can not hide your hands, and for me - it is very important.And of course - there are Expert Elite and Autodesk patches on the jacket. And in addition - I attached the badges, which I promised to show again.

00:03:36 - And this is what the jacket looks like on me.By the way, black is my favorite color. Autodesk reads minds and grants wishes.



Hi, my name is Andrew Krivulya Charly and I am a 3d-artist who began my journey as a 3d-groom artist in 2016

New works can be viewed here -https://www.artstation.com/artofcharly

Before that from 2009 - 2016 - I did environment art, interiors and many other things. You can see older works here - https://bit.ly/31xmZsi



If you want to support this channel, then throw your donations here:

➡️Paypal - artofcharly@gmail.com

➡️Fantalks - https://fantalks.io/r/artofcharly


Enjoy watching! 

Sincerely, Andrew Krivulya Charly.
